Monday, October 31, 2011

Burlington. Don't forget the cheese.

Today we got to bike around (so glad we brought our bikes). We visited downtown Burlington and found ourselves in a tea shop where we sipped and sat, wrote and talked for a couple hours. Burlington also had a place called Lake Champlain Chocolate and we got some awesome hot chocolate. We saw the rather white collar Occupy Burlington. Eventually we rode along the waterfront bike trail, getting to take in even more of Lake Champlain, and passing a cool sundial and a treehouse. When we got back to the Farm we visited the store. I got an SF car magnet (for Shelburne Farms). Ashley said SF was for San Francisco, and I scoffed, but actually it suits this trip because I want to see San Fran, and that way I would be going from one SF to the other. :) The store also had samples to taste of the ridiculously delicious cheeses made on the Farm. After that, Ashley and David spent the next two hours repacking the van to redistribute weight and hopefully make it a little easier to drive. I went for a walk down to the beach on Lake Champlain. There really are some really interesting rocks down there that some people use to make jewelry.
Oh, I must not forget to add that we started off the day getting up early to watch the sunrise. We went down a road by the house and a spot just beyond a bit of electric fencing looked like ideal to watch it from. So we went under it without incident, and at first it looked like we were still separated from the cows. However as they began to walk towards us I noticed that they could actually go around another section of fencing and come right up to us. So we hurried back out to the safe side of the frencing, and the big mama cow came right over to where we had been standing, and boy, did she moo at us. She was, I thought, quite a beautiful Jersey cow, and also rather perturbed by our presence. After the sun rose, (summoned by Ashley, as she would have us believe), we let the cows be. It was a good, amusing way to start the day. :)
In the evening we got to hear tales like 'Pip the Rooster Turn Pip Pot Pie' and watch the 'Lambies at Shelburne Farms' video on Youtube (a must see, as I can think of few people who could resist videos of lambs racing like mad inside a barn). We finished the night watching 'Death at a Funeral' and chatting with Perri. Woo, it's late and been a long day. Tomorrow morning I'm hoping for croissants. The bakery on this farm, O'Bread, has the best croissant I can remember eating. For those unfamiliar with me, I spent ten months in France, so i like to think I have a good frame of reference...
On that note... Good niiight!

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